Thursday, January 17, 2013

Part 3 dog in snow

NEW - Posted 1/17/2013

This is Part 3 and the last one , Plz leave me know what your Think , Its all about showing you my Dog and how much she loves snow, Do you love Snow ? Does your dog Love Snow and if so plz tell me how much !

I Had to use Warm Sock's and Shoes  This day , or my feet would of got wet !!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dog Playing in snow Part 2

Part 2 , Do you Think she is a Nut ??

Also feel free to ask anything you want at all Thank for the Support !

Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Dog

I enjoy Playing with my dog alot , we got her from the pound and it was the best thing my family did , she loves the snow and just getting it all over her she really is a great dog , keeping it short this is my first blog but plz share with me why you love your dog

This is the video of my Dog Plz enjoy

Also on Plz support

Plz post your videos ,  Lets get a support system going to help each other get Views , Follow me on Twitter

^ for canon Review , also welcome to add your own reviews there also , Thank you all for the support !